Why Patch cable “Patch cord” is always short?
Why Patch cable “Patch cord” is always short?
1- Horizontal cables made of “Solid conductor” and Patch cord made of “Stranded conductor”
2- Stranded conductor “small bundle conductors” presenting attenuation so higher losses per meter than horizontal cables
3- Patch cord commonly used to link two patch panels, switch ports, or to connect the work area outlet
4- Patch cord will be constantly plugged or bent, key difference between stranded and solid conductor is “flexibility, So stranded can’t be damaged easily
Example: 24 AWG Patch cord maximum length of 5m
26 AWG Patch cord maximum length of 3.9m
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Credits: Mr. Hussam ELRawas RCDD®l DCDC®l PMP®l CCNA l DCCA l AOS® l ATD®’s Post