AnelaTek Solutions Sdn Bhd is an innovative and unique security technology solutions provider based in Malaysia. We provide state-of-the-art security solutions for government agencies and medium to large commercial enterprises with a need for advanced security technology.

Radio Frequency Identification, RFID

Radio Frequency Identification, RFID — it’s all about wireless communication! Let’s explore the RFID spectrum (band and range) in this #techexplained post. Global differences influence the different frequencies used by RFID systems. This means that frequencies normally vary by country and region 🌍 What are the types of RFID systems? 1️⃣ Low-Frequency (LF): Frequencies from […]

RFID Technology

RFID technology is widely used in access control systems, particularly for door entry systems in workplaces. RFID-enabled tags serve as identification badges for employees, allowing them to gainentry to the building. The door readers also utilize RFID technology. Each reader is equipped with a small antenna that emits radio waves to detect any RFID tag […]