Shrouds on Cable Glands – is it allowed?
So #IECEx, #ATEX, & #explosionproof & #oilandgasindustry Professionals – let’s take a deep
breath and look at the answer.
IEC 60079.14 is silent about the use of Cable Gland Shrouds.
BUT… 60079.43 provides conditions for their use in adverse environments.
So the answer is: It Depends.
Why is that? So, there are some Parent Companies that have a blanket rule to not permit them on
their sites.
If this is the case – don’t install them.
Then you have to see if the manufacturer’s documentation allows for the use of shrouds – again if
the answer is NO then you cannot use them.
This also applies to any other protective ‘solution’ (silicone grease, UV shroud, binding tape, etc)
If it passes the previously listed prerequisites then you can install them – on the provision that it
will not compromise the IP rating of the gland (won’t fill with water) or the Explosion Protection
Technique (will not remove the cable from the incorporated gland and allow for routine inspections).
My personal take is: Don’t install them – they complicate the installation more, allow people to hide poor workmanship and introduce environmental issues with metallic degradation for the installation.
Source: Technical Engineering Portal